Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Global Discoveries’ Asset Recovery Process

In business since 2000, Modesto, California-based Global Discoveries, Ltd., assists clients around the globe with locating and recovering their lost or unclaimed assets. Since its inception, Global Discoveries, Ltd., has helped customers obtain over $80 million in assets.

The asset recovery process is carried out by the company’s experienced team of professionals including researchers, skip tracers, and private investigators. The firm’s team uses proprietary software tools to identify assets and the people or businesses that legally own them. The team conducts extensive reviews of documentation that is both private and publicly accessible and available through sources including subscription databases and public records. The asset recovery process can take from months to years.

Each of the firm’s clients is paired with a claims manager who works on the behalf of the client to determine how assets are claimed. This manager also explains the terms of the services offered to the client. The firm’s claim processors prepare all documents relevant to obtaining the assets, creates a claims package, and files it with the asset holder. Clients are consistently updated during the claim recovery process, including when it has been filed and approved by the asset holder. Once an asset settlement has been achieved, the client is provided with a detailed accounting report and paid via check.

Activities of the UPPO

Based in Modesto, California, Global Discoveries, Ltd. , is a lost and unclaimed assets recovery company. Since 2000, it has helped both ind...